Negative Ions not Ozone Generators


Why ozone generators on the market are unsafe.

Ozone is a highly reactive chemical. Because of its ability to react with the molecules in the air, it has an uncanny ability to remove strong odors and pollutants. But ozone doesn’t magically lose its reactive abilities when inhaled. On the contrary, when ozone is inhaled by humans, it remains just as reactive. This reactive nature is what makes ozone dangerous to humans and other forms of life.

When inhaled, ozone can create a reaction in the lungs. Even at low levels, this can create a wide range of health problems, particularly with the lungs. They can inflame and damage airways and make the lungs more susceptible to infection.

First, ozone can be a contributor to chest pain and coughing. It can cause shortness of breath, and irritation to the windpipes. These problems can inflict anyone who breathes in ozone contaminants, but they are especially potent for people with respiratory conditions such as asthma and allergies. Ozone makes it more difficult to breathe deeply, causing someone to struggle with getting enough pure oxygen for normal activity and daily function.

Ozone can also cause issues with the throat. This can come in the form of mild to serious coughing and, depending on the exposure levels and overall health of the patient, can disrupt normal daily functions.


On the contrary, negative ions are beneficial to the body.

Negative ions breathed in high concentrations for prolonged periods of time give us energy, vitality and most importantly fight the negative effects of positive ions. We want to be around negative ions as much as possible. Negative ions are extremely important to having a healthy, disease free body.

Some of the Effects of Negative ions are:

  1. Decreased respiratory rate
  2. Decreased basal metabolic rate
  3. Decreased blood pressure
  4. Produced a feeling of well being
  5. Increased vital capacity
  6. Decreased skin temperature
  7. Acceleration of the conversion of succinate to fumarate
  8. Stimulation of cytochrome
  9. Decreased eosinophilia and lymphocyte count
  10. Increased CO2 combing power of plasma
  11. Decreased blood sedimentation rate
  12. Decreased muscle chronaxie
  13. Increased ciliary activity
  14. Increased frequency of mitosis